Ravnica Remastered – Draft Booster Box

CHF 179.90

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SKU: MTG-RVR-DIS-EN Categories: , Tags: ,
  • BECOME A CARD-CARRYING GUILD MEMBER—There’s no place like Ravnica; walk through familiar streets with a bustling crowd of reprinted favorites from Ravnica’s past and the ten unique guilds that keep the city running
  • RETRO CARD IN EVERY PACK—Take a turn down memory lane with the inclusion of a special Retro card in every booster!
  • RARE OR MYTHIC RARE IN EVERY PACK—Every pack contains at least 1 card of rarity Rare or higher and may contain up to 3, including 1 possible Rare or Mythic Rare with a shining Traditional Foil treatment
  • BEST BOOSTERS FOR DRAFTING—Draft Boosters are designed to draft a deck and play with friends; everyone grabs 3 packs and passes them around to pick cards. Add some lands and you’re ready for epic 2-player battles
  • PLAY A GAME THAT FUSES ART, STORIES & STRATEGY—Magic: The Gathering is a collectible card game that weaves deep strategy with art and mechanics that explore the themes of a particular world and story—whether you want to play a casual game with friends, collect cool cards, or get competitive, Magic welcomes you to The Gathering
  • CONTENTS—36 Ravnica Remastered Draft Boosters, with 15 MTG cards in each pack

This Ravnica Remastered Draft Booster Box contains 36 Ravnica Remastered Draft Boosters. Each Draft Booster contains 15 cards and 1 token/ad card, including 1–2 cards of rarity Rare or higher, 3–5 Uncommon, and 9–11 Common cards. One card of any rarity is Retro. A Traditional Foil card of any rarity replaces a Common in 33% of boosters. Traditional Foil Borderless Mythic in <1% of boosters.

This is a preorder item. Expected release date: January 12, 2024



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